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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

2017 IFNEC Steering Group Meeting

Paris, France - June 29, 2017 - June 29, 2017

The IFNEC Steering Group Chair officially passed from the United States to Argentina.

After serving as Chair since the inception of IFNEC, the United States' Ed McGinnis has formally passed the baton to, Mr. Julián Gadano, Argentina's Undersecretary for Nuclear Energy at the Ministry of Energy and Mining during the Steering Group meeting held on June 29, 2017.  Mr. McGinnis, who could not join the meeting, provided a video expressing his full support for Mr. Gadano and the opportunity to infuse new ideas and creativity under his successor's leadership. Mr. McGinnis also reaffirmed the United States' continued commitment to IFNEC and his personal involvement as Chair Emeritus in ensuring a smooth leadership transition.  During the meeting, the Steering Group formally expressed its full support for Argentina assuming the position of Chair under Mr. Gadano's leadership and also acknowledged the United States' contribution and Mr. McGinnis' meritorious service.

Having chaired and hosted the 2016 Executive Committee meeting in Buenos Aires, Undersecretary Gadano looks to continue to build relationships with the existing 65 member countries and four intergovernmental organizations and also hopes to expand membership to other interested countries. He is also excited to support the scopes of the newly formed Ad Hoc Nuclear Supplier and Customer Countries Engagement Group as well as the Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services and Infrastructure Development Working Groups.

Steering Group Chair Julián Gadano personally extends an invitation to all member countries and intergovernmental observer organizations to join him at the next Executive Committee meeting which will be hosted by France and held in Paris during IFNEC week, November 6-9.

SG meeting

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