The IDWG held a meeting, hosted by Romania on May 8, 2014. Topics covered at the meeting included a presentation on the Romanian Nuclear Power Program, SMRs after 2025 (complementing the June Workshop in Jordan, which focused on nearer term prospects), Human Resource Development, and Costing and Financing Waste Management and Decommissioning.
1.M.BOWEN International Safeguards Security and Regulatory Aspects of u.s. Light Water SMRS
2.S.DIACONU Romanias National Nuclear and Waste Management Program
5.D.MATHERS Waste Management Issues for SMRS
6.J.MATHIESON Costing and Financing Waste Management and Decommissioning
7.J.MALO Human Resource Development in an Emerging Country Kenya
8.D.TONEV Human Resource Development in a Re-emerging Country Bulgaria
9.M.VanSICKLE IAEA Services for Owner-Operators in Emerging States
10.E.BRADLEY Shared Use of Research Reactors for Infrastructure Development
12.D.JOHNSON Demonstrable Competence and Certification for Nuclear Security
13.P.DICKMAN Role of Professional Societies in Human Resource Development