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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

There are 207 results.

The RNFSWG biannual meeting was held April 16.  A key issue of discussion was preparation for a workshop that will be held with industry later this year.  The worshop will discuss Comprehensive Fuel Services (CFS), including discussion of a model agreement. Direction to conduct the workshop came from the IFNEC Executive Committee at their meeting last October after the acceptance of the CFS Paper... more

The IDWG held a meeting, hosted by Romania  on May 8,  2014.  Topics covered at the meeting included a presentation on the Romanian Nuclear Power Program, SMRs after 2025 (complementing the June Workshop in Jordan, which focused on nearer term prospects), Human Resource Development, and Costing and Financing Waste Management and Decommissioning.


1.M.BOWEN International Safeguards Security ... more

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) held a biannual meeting at the Vienna International Center in Austria. The meeting touched on a wide range of topics related to infrastructure development in the field of nuclear power. There were panels on human resource development and IAEA activities in infrastructure development. The panels concentrated on the ways the nuclear communit... more

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) held its working group meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia on November 14-15, 2012.  IDWG meeting, participants shared views and discussed priorities and activities the IDWG is undertaking in several areas.  Additional discussions addressed cross-border opportunities for infrastructure development, safeguards and security.

Summary of Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) Activities Dr. Alex R. Burkart and Mr. John Mathieson Co-Chairs, Infrastructure Development Working Group IFNEC Steering Group Meeting May 9, 2014 Bucharest Romania

Report on the Comprehensive Fuel Services Presented to the IFNEC STEERING GROUP MEETING By Kazuhiro Suzuki and Daniel Iracane, co-chairs IFNEC Steering Group Meeting – Bucharest, Romania, May 9th, 2014

Milbank The Decision-Making Process 9 May 2014 Bucharest, Romania IFNEC Steering Group Meeting

Joint Statement

The Executive Committee held its annual meeting, hosted by the Republic of Korea, on October 17, 2014.  It was preceded by a Steering Group meeting on October 16, 2014.  The meeting included a review of the progress made in the past year by the IFNEC Steering Group and Working Groups on Infrastructure Development (IDWG) and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services (RNFSWG), and provided gui... more

Joint Statement 

The Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) held its annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Ministers and other senior representative from 30 countries and International Organizations addressed issues relevant to IFNEC a cooperative forum to explore mutually beneficial approaches to deployin... more

Chair and Meeting Participants Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi

Chair and Meeting Participants Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi

Saint Regis Hotel 2013 Executive Committee Meeting - Abu Dhabi, UAE

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation Joint Statement 4th Executive Committee Meeting Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates October 24th, 2013

London Finance Workshop Photo

The IFNEC Finance Workshop, held in London, United Kingdom on May 9 and 10, 2012, brought together a broad spectrum of approximately 130 stakeholders from the IFNEC countries, including government representatives and members of the nuclear energy and the financial communities. The Workshop’s goals included the following: gain a stronger understanding of the challenges and opportunities associate... more

The IFNEC Finance Workshop in London, United Kingdom on May 9 and 10, 2012

Joint Statement

IFNEC held its third Executive Committee Meeting in Marrakech, Morocco on October 10th, 2012. Ministers and other senior representatives from 30 countries addressed issues regarding the peaceful use of nuclear energy in a manner that is safe and secure. The Executive Committee welcomed Kenya and Bahrain to IFNEC as full Participants, and Saudi Arabia and Moldova as new Observer co... more

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) Joint Statement 3rd Executive Committee Meeting Marrakech, Morocco October 10th, 2012

IFNEC third Executive Committee Meeting in Marrakech, Morocco on October 10th, 2012.

IFNEC second Executive Committee Meeting in Warsaw, Poland on September 29th 2011.

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) Joint Statement 2nd Executive Committee Meeting Warsaw, Poland September 29th, 2011

The RNFSWG meeting was held on July 19, 2012 in the U.S. in College Station, Texas at Texas A&M University. This meeting was previously planned to be held in Romania in June.  The Steering Group meeting followed meetings of the IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group meetings Additional details on these meetings will be posted when available... more

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group (RNFS) held both separate and joint meetings on April 19-20, in Paris, France. Representatives from IFNEC participant and observer countries, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, research institutions, business and academia attended the meeting.  Topics addressed included:  reliable n... more

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) held its seventh meeting on December 6, 2010, followed by a Resources and Gaps Workshop on human resource development on December 7. Approximately 90 representatives from IFNEC participant and observer countries, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Generation IV International forum, international organizations, research institution... more

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) held its fifth meeting on October 31, 2011, in Vienna, Austria.  Topics discussed during the meeting included various countries’ responses to the Fukushima incident, IAEA assistance and involvement in infrastructure development, human resource development, radioactive waste management and stakeholder communications and outreach.  The works... more

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