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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

There are 205 results.

Beijing Executive Committee 2009

SMALL MODULAR REACTOR WORKSHOP June 11-12, 2014 - Dead Sea, Jordan

SMR Workshop Group photo 2014

The IFNEC Steering Group conducted a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Workshop which was hosted by the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission in Jordan, June 11-12, 2014, in the Dead Sea. The goal of this invitation-only workshop was to bring together, under the auspices of the 63 countries of IFNEC, the full spectrum   of key stakeholders necessary to successfully deploy SMRs in order to gain an enhanced e... more

IAEA Reference Materials

IAEA Reference Materials

Influence of Nuclear Safety and Electric Market Regulation on Financing of a NPP

Interactive Moderation Scenario Discussion - Barkatullah

Workshop Goals and Objectives - Barkatullah IFNEC Finance, Regulatory, and Energy Planning Authority Workshop 2013

Introduction to Breakout Discussion - Barkatullah

IFNEC Finance, Regulatory, and Energy Planning Authority Workshop 2013

Participants and Hosts of the IFNEC Finance, Regulatory and Energy Planning Authority Workshop, in Abu Dhabi, UAE on October 22, 2013.

Breakout Group Co-Leads Kamal Araj (left) and Zbigniew Kubacki (center) and Rapporteur Daniel Grosvenor (right) at the IFNEC Finance, Regulatory and Energy Planning Authority Workshop in Abu Dhabi on October 22, 2013.

2013 IFNEC Finance, Regulatory and Energy Planning Authority Workshop The Expert Panel at the IFNEC Workshop’s Moderated Discussion - October 22, 2013

2013 IFNEC Finance, Regulatory and Energy Planning Authority Workshop

The stage for the October 22, 2013 IFNEC Finance, Regulatory and Energy Planning Authority Workshop, hosted by Abu Dhabi’s Regulation and Supervision Bureau

IFNEC Finance Regulatory and Energy Planning Authority Workshop Report

2013 Finance, Regulatory and Energy Planning Authority Workshop Stage

The stage for the October 22, 2013 IFNEC Finance, Regulatory and Energy Planning Authority Workshop, hosted by Abu Dhabi’s Regulation and Supervision Bureau


Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi 2013

Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, UAE – October 22, 2013


Expert Panel at the IFNEC Workshop 2013, Abu Dhabi

The Expert Panel at the IFNEC Workshop’s Moderated Discussion -  October 22, 2013


Breakout Group Co-Leads and Rapporteur, Abu Dhabi 2013 Workshop

Breakout Group Co-Leads Kamal ... more

London Finance Workshop 2012 Documents

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

London Finance Workshop 2012 Document

Workshop on Developing Options and Pathways for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel & High-Level Waste

The RNFSWG held a Workshop May 5-6, 2014, hosted by Romania.  The Workshp addressed the subject of  Developing Options and Pathways for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste.)

To access the RNFSWG Joint Statement Summary Report and meeting minutes CLICK HERE.


Report of the Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group Submitted for inclusion in the Joint Statement of the IFNEC Executive Meeting, October 17, 2014, Seoul, Republic of Korea October 2014

The RNFSWG biannual meeting was held April 16.  A key issue of discussion was preparation for a workshop that will be held with industry later this year.  The worshop will discuss Comprehensive Fuel Services (CFS), including discussion of a model agreement. Direction to conduct the workshop came from the IFNEC Executive Committee at their meeting last October after the acceptance of the CFS Paper... more

The IDWG held a meeting, hosted by Romania  on May 8,  2014.  Topics covered at the meeting included a presentation on the Romanian Nuclear Power Program, SMRs after 2025 (complementing the June Workshop in Jordan, which focused on nearer term prospects), Human Resource Development, and Costing and Financing Waste Management and Decommissioning.


1.M.BOWEN International Safeguards Security ... more

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

Infrastructure Development Working Group - Romania May 8, 2014

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) held a biannual meeting at the Vienna International Center in Austria. The meeting touched on a wide range of topics related to infrastructure development in the field of nuclear power. There were panels on human resource development and IAEA activities in infrastructure development. The panels concentrated on the ways the nuclear communit... more

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) held its working group meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia on November 14-15, 2012.  IDWG meeting, participants shared views and discussed priorities and activities the IDWG is undertaking in several areas.  Additional discussions addressed cross-border opportunities for infrastructure development, safeguards and security.

Summary of Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) Activities Dr. Alex R. Burkart and Mr. John Mathieson Co-Chairs, Infrastructure Development Working Group IFNEC Steering Group Meeting May 9, 2014 Bucharest Romania

Report on the Comprehensive Fuel Services Presented to the IFNEC STEERING GROUP MEETING By Kazuhiro Suzuki and Daniel Iracane, co-chairs IFNEC Steering Group Meeting – Bucharest, Romania, May 9th, 2014

Milbank The Decision-Making Process 9 May 2014 Bucharest, Romania IFNEC Steering Group Meeting

Joint Statement

The Executive Committee held its annual meeting, hosted by the Republic of Korea, on October 17, 2014.  It was preceded by a Steering Group meeting on October 16, 2014.  The meeting included a review of the progress made in the past year by the IFNEC Steering Group and Working Groups on Infrastructure Development (IDWG) and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services (RNFSWG), and provided gui... more

Joint Statement 

The Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) held its annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Ministers and other senior representative from 30 countries and International Organizations addressed issues relevant to IFNEC a cooperative forum to explore mutually beneficial approaches to deployin... more

Chair and Meeting Participants Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi

Chair and Meeting Participants Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi

Saint Regis Hotel 2013 Executive Committee Meeting - Abu Dhabi, UAE

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation Joint Statement 4th Executive Committee Meeting Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates October 24th, 2013

London Finance Workshop Photo

The IFNEC Finance Workshop, held in London, United Kingdom on May 9 and 10, 2012, brought together a broad spectrum of approximately 130 stakeholders from the IFNEC countries, including government representatives and members of the nuclear energy and the financial communities. The Workshop’s goals included the following: gain a stronger understanding of the challenges and opportunities associate... more

The IFNEC Finance Workshop in London, United Kingdom on May 9 and 10, 2012

Joint Statement

IFNEC held its third Executive Committee Meeting in Marrakech, Morocco on October 10th, 2012. Ministers and other senior representatives from 30 countries addressed issues regarding the peaceful use of nuclear energy in a manner that is safe and secure. The Executive Committee welcomed Kenya and Bahrain to IFNEC as full Participants, and Saudi Arabia and Moldova as new Observer co... more

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) Joint Statement 3rd Executive Committee Meeting Marrakech, Morocco October 10th, 2012

IFNEC third Executive Committee Meeting in Marrakech, Morocco on October 10th, 2012.

IFNEC second Executive Committee Meeting in Warsaw, Poland on September 29th 2011.

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) Joint Statement 2nd Executive Committee Meeting Warsaw, Poland September 29th, 2011

The RNFSWG meeting was held on July 19, 2012 in the U.S. in College Station, Texas at Texas A&M University. This meeting was previously planned to be held in Romania in June.  The Steering Group meeting followed meetings of the IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group meetings Additional details on these meetings will be posted when available... more

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group (RNFS) held both separate and joint meetings on April 19-20, in Paris, France. Representatives from IFNEC participant and observer countries, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, research institutions, business and academia attended the meeting.  Topics addressed included:  reliable n... more

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) held its seventh meeting on December 6, 2010, followed by a Resources and Gaps Workshop on human resource development on December 7. Approximately 90 representatives from IFNEC participant and observer countries, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Generation IV International forum, international organizations, research institution... more

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) held its fifth meeting on October 31, 2011, in Vienna, Austria.  Topics discussed during the meeting included various countries’ responses to the Fukushima incident, IAEA assistance and involvement in infrastructure development, human resource development, radioactive waste management and stakeholder communications and outreach.  The works... more

Romania hosted a Steering Group meeting on May 9, 2014.  The Steering Group discussed the planning of upcoming IFNEC meetings and events, the status of countries and organizations desiring to join IFNEC, and IFNEC Secretariat matters.  A "Special Finance Session" was delivered pursuant to the Executive Committee direction in Abu Dhabi to continue exploring the matter of financing.

Finance and Pro... more

The Republic of Korea hosted a Steering Group meeting on October 16, 2014, preceding the Executive Committee meeting on October 17, 2014.  The meeting addressed the Working Groups and Steering Group activities within the past year, including expert-level work, findings, and recommendations in the areas of options and pathways for disposal of spent fuel and high-level waste, infrastructure develop... more

The 2013 IFNEC Steering Group meeting was hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) October 23 in Abu Dhabi.  Invitations were sent to all  Participant and Observer Countries as well as Inter-governmental Organizations.  The meeting preceeded the Executive Committee meeting which was held at the same location on October 24, 2013.   As a follow-up session to the April workshop in London in 2012, an... more

Joint Statement

The third Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) Executive Committee Meeting was held in Beijing, China, on 23 October 2009, where ministers and other senior officials met to review and discuss ongoing GNEP activities, the results of these activities, and further steps to the peaceful use of nuclear energy in a manner that promotes safety, security and non-proliferation.

The Ex... more

Joint Statement

The Executive Committee of the newly transformed Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), now renamed as International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (“IFNEC”), held its first meeting at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center in the Dead Sea Area in Jordan on November 4, 2010. Ministers and senior representatives from 44 countries addressed key issues facing the e... more

The Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group (RNFSWG) of The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) held a meeting and workshop in Vienna, Austria on February 23-24, 2010, to exchange views on pathways and constraints that suppliers and users might have in particular with regard to legal, political, and commercial considerations to support the establishment of reliable... more

Joint Statement

IFNEC held its second Executive Committee Meeting (since its transition from the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership) in Warsaw, Poland on September 29th 2011. Ministers and other senior representatives from 45 countries addressed key issues facing the peaceful use of nuclear energy. They recognized the continued role of nuclear as a sustainable low-carbon energy source in those cou... more

NEA-IFNEC Financing Initiative

High-Level Warsaw Conference on Nuclear Financing 

Tuesday, 23 November, 2021 - 14h:00 - 17:00 CET

Nuclear Financing Green2


In 2021, NEA and IFNEC have organized a series of joint webinars on a number of conceptual and practical issues pertaining to nuclear new build financing. These events aim to advance ongoing policy discussions and are shaping a forthcoming NEA report on financing f... more

The IFNEC Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group in cooperation with the Rosatom Technical Academy Moscow Office will conducted a webinar on


October 11, 2021, 14:00 CEST



Purposes of the webinar:

To present comprehensive perspectives on how spent fuel will be managed in the future through the developm... more

Webinar 3 IFNEC NEA Series


Tuesday 14 September, 14:00 - 16:00 CEST

There is increasing evidence that the timeliness of completion and the ability to control costs is also a function of the contractual structures of nuclear new build projects. In an overall framework of appropriate risk allocation, such contractual structures, on their own, as well as in conjunction with specific additional incentives (bonuses for effic... more



IFNEC, in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency, organised the second webinar on ‘Taxonomies, Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and the role of nuclear energy’ as part of the NEA – IFNEC Nuclear Financing Webinar Series on Monday 19 July, 14:00-15:30 CEST. 

There has been a growing emphasis in the financial sector in financing sustainable infrastructure and energy project... more

The Financing of SMRs 

Challenges and Opportunities


Tuesday 18 May, 14:00-16:00 CEST


IFNEC, in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency, organized the first webinar on ‘The Financing of SMRs: Challenges and Opportunities’ as part of the NEA – IFNEC Nuclear Financing Webinar Series on Tuesday 18 May, 14:00-16:00 CEST.

Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) offer a number of specific features that may... more

The Nuclear Supplier and Customer Countries Engagement Group met with the objective to discuss activity results & planning for 2021 and to share inputs on the IFNEC Vision & Strategy Paper. 

Detailed agenda available on the IFNEC Resource Library.

To access presentations related to the IDWG meeting, please click on the password protected RL link

The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has brought immense implications for businesses, shuttering the economies and societies worldwide. Like the rest of the world, the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) has to adjust its practices to adapt to the new situation.

The Executive Committee Meeting and the 2020 Global Ministerial Conference, initially planned for Mombasa, Kenya, are... more

The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has brought immense implications for businesses, shuttering the economies and societies worldwide. Like the rest of the world, the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) has to adjust its practices to adapt to the new situation.

The Executive Committee Meeting and the 2020 Global Ministerial Conference, initially planned for Mombasa, Kenya, are... more

The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) hosted a webinar on 24 February 2021 to discuss findings of a new NEA report on strategy and considerations for the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle.

A wealth of technical information exists on nuclear fuel cycle options, covering various combinations of nuclear fuel types, reactor types, use... more

Issues in the Financing of Nuclear New Build

14 - 15 January, 2021, 14:00 – 17:30 CET



Under the oversight of its Nuclear Development Committee (NDC), the NEA is preparing a report on financing frameworks for Nuclear New Build (NNB) in OECD countries. The key objectives of this report will review the challenges facing new nuclear financing in OECD countries, analyze good practices in ... more

The Working Group has noted that although there is widespread interest in the potential to dispose of spent fuel (SF) and high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in deep boreholes, there are limited opportunities to obtain current information on this developing technology.  The objective of the webinar is to provide a comprehensive overview of the technology and its potential role as the only recogniz... more

The Multinational Repository Concept: Shared Solutions for Solving the Radioactive Waste Management Challenge facing Emerging Countries and those with Small Nuclear Programs 

Please find the presentations here.

Please find the answers to all questions raised during this webinar here.

This panel discussion focused on shared waste management solutions for current and emerging nuclear countries,... more


  • Webinar #1 – National Market Perspectives Regarding SMR Market Development – Emerging Countries Have a Conversation on Deployment

          Date: June 2, 2020, 14:00 – 15:30 CEST

Chaired by Shi Lishan, Deputy Director-General of the National Energy Administration of China & IFNEC Steering Group Vice-Chair.

Opening remarks by Suzanne Jaworowski, Senior Advisor. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE... more

IFNEC’s Technical Secretariat is hosted by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in France. Like so many, our Secretariat is teleworking due to the COVID-19 situation, but continues to actively work with IFNEC members. Our thoughts are with those affected and hope all are staying safe. 

Please find our program for 2020 : IFNEC Calendar

For any questions or further information about IFNEC, email or... more

The 2015 IFNEC Steering Group Meeting will take place on June 16, 2015, in Paris, France, hosted by the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA). The Steering Group will discuss the planning of upcoming IFNEC events, the status of countries and organizations desiring to join IFNEC, engagement of multilateral development banks, and management of the IFNEC Secretariat, a... more

IFNEC Steering Group members will meet at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency headquarters near Paris to discuss the ongoing activities and future plans and programmes.

Steering Group members are also kindly invited to join the cocktail reception that will take place in the evening of 25 October 2024.

More information about the sessions is provided in the programme document.

For any questions, please ... more

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) will host its first Ministerial Conference since the COVID-19 pandemic on 1-3 November 2023. Organised in cooperation with the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, the Conference will take place in Accra, Ghana.




Many African governments envision nuclear energy as a key element in their future e... more


The next IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group Meeting (IDWG) will take place from 11-13 April 2023 at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in the United States. Focused on the next generation of nuclear technologies, the meeting will feature discussions on the demonstrations, deployment, and regulation. Meeting participants will also attend a one-day tour to the advanced test reactor, t... more

AFNBP2023 1920x1080

Hosted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development of Uganda and supported by IFNEC, the Africa Nuclear Business Platform (AFNBP) 2023 conference and exhibition will take place from 14-17 March 2023 in Kampala, Uganda. This regional conference will gather stakeholders from across the nuclear sector, including industry representatives and African government officials involved in nuclear pow... more

***This conference will take place in person and online.***

Attaining net zero carbon emissions by 2050 will require financing and developing significant capacity of new nuclear power generation in the coming years and decades. To facilitate this process, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) in collaboration with the Ministry ... more

15 September 2022, 12:00 – 13:30 CEST 

Decarbonisation of the world’s energy sector is a challenging task that many governments around the world are working on. As a stable and low-carbon source, nuclear energy can play a significant role in contributing to climate change mitigation efforts as well as in addressing the energy supply issues.

This webinar will discuss the role of nuclear energy in ... more

Compared to the development of the current Generation II fleet, the construction of the new Gen III/III+ reactors, and in the future, that of advanced reactors, rely on vendor companies that are active on the global market. These include North-American and European companies, and more recently, Korean, Russian and Chinese companies. Given the large investments that new projects represent, strong ... more

Joint Meeting of the Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) and Nuclear Supplier and Customer Countries Engagement Group (NSCCEG)

 For more details please access the Resource Library.

The IFNEC Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) and Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group (RNFS) held both separate and joint meetings on April 19-20, in Paris, France. Representatives from IFNEC participant and observer countries, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, research institutions, business and academia attended the meeting. Topics addressed included:  reliable nu... more

To view the contents of the meetings, please access the Resource Library.

To access the contents of the meeting, please enter to the Resource Library.

Joint Meeting of the Infrastructure Development Working Group (IDWG) and Nuclear Supplier and Customer Countries Engagement Group (NSCCEG)

IDWG-NSCCEG Nov joint meeting

 For more details please access the Resource Library.

The Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group held a workshop on Approaches to Financing a Multinational Repository - Challenges and Alternate Approaches.

Group photo

RNSFWG workshop Programme

Presentations and documents:

0 INTRO Zagar & Tyson

1 ERDO McCombie

2 Brownstein

3 ARIUS Chapman

4 ERDO McCombie

5.1 IAEA Mayer

5.2.1 FINLAND Väätäinen

5.2.2 FINLAND Pohjonen

5.3 ROSATOM Khaperskaya

5.4 JAPAN Yoshim... more


For more details please access the Resource Library.

Co-Sponsored Conference on Challenges and Opportunities Facing Nuclear Energy in an Energy Transitions Context:

Innovation and Actions to advance Clean Nuclear Energy


IFNEC and the Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future (NICE Future) initiative sponsored a conference which explored the role that nuclear energy options can play in contributing to economic growth, energy security and access, and ... more

The NSCCEG met on July 5 2018 at the Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Argentine Republic to the International Organizations in Vienna.

nscceg july 2018 meeting

For more information please access the Resource Library.

SG Group picture


To view the meeting documents, please access the Resource Library.

IDWG Co-chairs John Mathieson of the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Alex Burkart of the U.S. Department of State opened the workshop. With the advent of Gen III/III+ reactors, long established regulators face the challenge of evaluating enhanced safety features, including a higher degree of passive safety, and other new design features to deal with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accide... more

This conference was designed to be of interest to all IFNEC member countries and provide the various stakeholders, including regulators, planning authorities, financial institutions and industry, the opportunity to observe and participate in discussions of practical interest and value. The primary audience for the conference included IFNEC members with future plans for developing nuclear power pr... more

Final Joint Statement Paris 2017 approved.

Millennial Nuclear Caucus (U.S. Department of Energy).

Please have  a look on the video below:



To view the meeting agenda, please access the Resource Library.

To view the meeting documents, please access the Resource Library.

To view the meeting documents, please access the Resource Library.

This meeting took place in the framework of the IFNEC week meetings, to view the related documents please access the Executive Committee meeting in the IFNEC Resource Library.

To view the meeting documents, please access the Resource Library.

The IFNEC Steering Group Chair officially passed from the United States to Argentina.

After serving as Chair since the inception of IFNEC, the United States' Ed McGinnis has formally passed the baton to, Mr. Julián Gadano, Argentina's Undersecretary for Nuclear Energy at the Ministry of Energy and Mining during the Steering Group meeting held on June 29, 2017.  Mr. McGinnis, who could not join th... more

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) held a “Latin American Nuclear Energy Stakeholders Conference,” on 25-26 October 2016, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Conference focused on challenges and opportunities facing countries within Latin America that are either considering or planning to deploy new nuclear electricity generating capacity. 

IFNEC also hosted the Execut... more

To view the meeting documents, please access the Resource Library.


To view the documents of the meeting, please access the Resource Library.


For more information please access the Resource Library.

IDWG photo

For more information please access the Resource Library.

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) held a “Latin American Nuclear Energy Stakeholders Conference,” on 25-26 October 2016, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Conference focused on challenges and opportunities facing countries within Latin America that are either considering or planning to deploy new nuclear electricity generating capacity. 

This Conference provided an... more

Joint Statement

IFNEC/NEA Nuclear Finance Conference Proceedings: Nuclear Energy's Role in the 21st Century:  Addressing the Challenge of Financing  11-12 May 2016  Paris, France

IFNEC NEA Conference Proceedings

Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group: Practical Considerations to Begin Resolving the Final Spent Fuel Disposal Pathway for Countries with Small Nuclear Programs


ASC 3166a


Join Statement

The Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) held its annual Executive Committee meeting on October 23rd, 2015, in Sinaia, Romania. Representatives from the 65 Participant and Observer countries as well as senior representatives from the four Permanent International Observer Organizations of IFNEC expressed their deep appreciation to... more

2016 IFNEC meetings in May in Paris, France

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) and the Nuclear Energy Agency were pleased to co-sponsor their first Nuclear Finance Conference May 11-12, 2016, in Paris, France.  The Conference convened leading stakeholders ranging from energy planning authorities, regulators, export credit agencies, vendors, utilities, bankers, rati... more

The conference “Nuclear Energy’s Role in the 21st Century: Addressing the Challenge of Financing” was organised jointly by the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), on 11-12 May 2016 in Paris, France.

More than 150 stakeholders from 30 countries participated, representing energy planning authorities, regulators, export credit agencies,... more

On November 12, 2019, the RNFSWG met in Washington DC. The topic addressed in the meeting include:

  1. A review of the Working Group's past accomplishments. 
  2. A short summary of the December 2018 RNFSWG Workshop on Approaches to Financing a Multinational Repository. The printed version of the full Report of the Workshop was distributed to the meeting participants, and the electronic version can be do... more

The Nuclear Supplier and Customer Countries Engagement Group met with the objective to discuss, through case studies, how cooperation between supplier countries and customer countries can support the development of a safe nuclear programme in the customer country, as well as the development of a strong safety culture.

To view the meeting documents please click here to access the Resource Library.... more

On 13 and 14 November IFNEC held its Global Ministerial Conference "Bringing the World SMRs and Advanced Nuclear" which gathered high level presentations from our member countries, industry and international organizations. The conference had Suzie Jaworowski as Mistress of Ceremonies, who after each session took the chance to reflect on each presentation highlighting their most salient remarks.  ... more

SG Chair Julián Gadano chaired the Steering Group meeting hosted by Ms Suzanne Jaworowski, SG Vice Chair and the Department of Energy of the United States. The meeting took place in Washington DC.  

SG meeting table

SG meeting group

 To view the related documents click here (password protected site)


The Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) congratulated Ms. Suzanne Jaworowski (United States) on assuming the role of Steering Group Chair. Ms. Jaworowski is the Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor in the Office of Nuclear Energy at the US Department of Energy and serves as the Political Liaison between the Office of Nuclear Energy and the Secret... more

The IDWG meeting addressed the topic of export controls as an enabler of nuclear cooperation, and gathered experts from the US, China, Russia, UAE and Kenya as well as from the IAEA, the Nuclear Suppliers Group and Pillsbury. The NSCCEG meeting discussed best practices in developing safety culture, with presentations from the Chinese and French regulators, as well as from Rosatom with a focus on ... more

Mr Shi Lishan, SG Vice-Chair for China, and the China National Energy Administration hosted the working group and Steering Group meetings at the China National Convention Centre in Beijing on 24-25 June 2019.

SG Beijing 2019

Click here to view the related documents in the IFNEC Resource Library. 

The Infrastructure Development Working Group co-Chairs, Alex Burkart and Zbigniew Kubacki chaired a workshop on "nuclear energy beyond electricity generation" which was held at the Ministry of Energy of Poland, in Warsaw. 

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Nuclear technology is today widely used to produce electricity without a negative impact on the environment. No harmful emissions, small footprints of nuclear power plants, re... more

Mr Shi Lishan, SG Vice-Chair for China, and the China National Energy Administration hosted the working group and Steering Group meetings at the China National Convention Centre in Beijing on 24-25 June 2019.

SG Beijing 2019


The Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group was invited to present a paper on the concept of multinational repositories at the Conference on the Management of Spent Fuel 2019. 

Office documents
Upcoming Meetings
IFNEC Steering Group meeting

October 25, 2024

Members Area

This area is a repository of practical information for Participant and Observer organizations. Access permission is required.

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