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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

There are 23 results.

Joint Statement

IFNEC held its second Executive Committee Meeting (since its transition from the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership) in Warsaw, Poland on September 29th 2011. Ministers and other senior representatives from 45 countries addressed key issues facing the peaceful use of nuclear energy. They recognized the continued role of nuclear as a sustainable low-carbon energy source in those cou... more

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) Joint Statement 3rd Executive Committee Meeting Marrakech, Morocco October 10th, 2012

Joint Statement

The third Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) Executive Committee Meeting was held in Beijing, China, on 23 October 2009, where ministers and other senior officials met to review and discuss ongoing GNEP activities, the results of these activities, and further steps to the peaceful use of nuclear energy in a manner that promotes safety, security and non-proliferation.

The Ex... more

Beijing Executive Committee 2009

Chair and Meeting Participants Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi

Chair and Meeting Participants Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) annual meeting on October 24th, 2013 in Abu Dhabi

Saint Regis Hotel 2013 Executive Committee Meeting - Abu Dhabi, UAE

The International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation Joint Statement 4th Executive Committee Meeting Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates October 24th, 2013

Joint Statement

IFNEC held its third Executive Committee Meeting in Marrakech, Morocco on October 10th, 2012. Ministers and other senior representatives from 30 countries addressed issues regarding the peaceful use of nuclear energy in a manner that is safe and secure. The Executive Committee welcomed Kenya and Bahrain to IFNEC as full Participants, and Saudi Arabia and Moldova as new Observer co... more

IFNEC third Executive Committee Meeting in Marrakech, Morocco on October 10th, 2012.

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