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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

Poland 2011

Warsaw, Poland - September 29, 2011

Joint Statement

IFNEC held its second Executive Committee Meeting (since its transition from the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership) in Warsaw, Poland on September 29th 2011. Ministers and other senior representatives from 45 countries addressed key issues facing the peaceful use of nuclear energy. They recognized the continued role of nuclear as a sustainable low-carbon energy source in those countries with a desire to use the technology, and the added value that IFNEC can bring to ensure its use is carried out in an efficient, safe, secure and non-proliferation mannerism:

The Executive Committee welcomed Argentina, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates to IFNEC as full Participants, expanding its composition to 30 Participant countries and 31 Observer countries. During the meeting, special guest speaker Bill Gates provided keynote remarks via video on challenges and opportunities associated with nuclear energy, including the key role of the private sector in partnership with governments. Mr. Gates' remarks may be viewed below (please click "Allow Blocked Content" from the toolbar if prompted with a security warning). (Click here to download.)

In light of the tragic consequences of the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March, 2011, the Executive Committee expressed its sincere condolences to the representatives of Japan for the loss of life and injuries sustained In respect to the Fukushima accident, the Executive Committee: Affirms that the earthquake and tsunami in Japan demonstrated that nuclear safety and emergency preparedness and response for both existing and new nuclear facilities must continue to have high priority and should be enhanced.


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