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The International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation

Executive Committee meeting

Washington DC, United States - November 13, 2019 - November 13, 2019

The Executive Committee of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) congratulated Ms. Suzanne Jaworowski (United States) on assuming the role of Steering Group Chair. Ms. Jaworowski is the Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor in the Office of Nuclear Energy at the US Department of Energy and serves as the Political Liaison between the Office of Nuclear Energy and the Secretary of Energy, as well as the White House. The Executive Committee of IFNEC also extended its deepest appreciation for his leadership over the past two years to the outgoing Steering Group Chair, Mr. Julian Gadano (Argentina), and commended the current Steering Group Vice Chairs for their stewardship of IFNEC: Mr. Shi Lishan (China), Mr. Collins Juma (Kenya), Mr. Vladimir Artisyuk (Russian Federation), and Ms. Suzanne Jaworowski (United States). Mr. Kenji Totoki was welcomed as the replacement for Mr. Sato as Japan’s Vice Chair, and Mr. Facundo Deluchi was also welcomed as a new Vice Chair (Argentina). The Executive Committee of IFNEC held its annual meeting on 13 November 2019, in Washington, DC, United States of America. Ministers and senior representatives from nineteen Participant Countries, two Observer Countries and four Observer Organizations (including OECD NEA) met to recognize the past year’s accomplishments and discuss the future impact and direction of IFNEC. A Global Ministerial Conference on Bringing the World SMRs and Advanced Nuclear, that attracted more than 260 participants and included a special session at the White House, was held in conjunction with the annual IFNEC Executive Committee meeting. 


Executive Committee meeting

Approved Joint Statement.

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