IDWG Co-chairs John Mathieson of the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Alex Burkart of the U.S. Department of State opened the workshop. With the advent of Gen III/III+ reactors, long established regulators face the challenge of evaluating enhanced safety features, including a higher degree of passive safety, and other new design features to deal with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Regulators in emerging countries must deal with the same issues as they build up their capacity and expertise and new laws and regulations are put in place. Both established and new regulators have to address questions arising from Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), for example, reduced emergency planning zones, entirely passive cooling and control room staffing. The workshop addressed all these issues through a number of presentations from experienced and new regulators, and other high level experts.
Following documents and Presentations you can find below:
1.H NIEH MDEP Accomplishments and Future Opportunities
2.T XIN Safety Approach and Safety Assessment of Hualong One
3.S WEI CAP1400 Safety Evaluation
4.N MASRIERA Licensing Hualong I NPP with Argentina as a customer
5.K HERVIOU R CATTEAU Assessing the safety of new reactors in France EPR and ATMEA1
6.Y KANG Licensing for APR1400 in Korea
7.D ROGATOV Russian Regulatory Approaches for VVER-1200 Designs
8.D LISBONA The UK Generic Design Assessment
9.A BRADFORD Design Certification of Large Light Water Reactors in the U.S
10.D HOFFMAN On the road towards international standardization
12.E GATEBE Steps towards a Nuclear Power programme in Kenya
13.H AlSENAANI Progress of the UAE Nuclear Power Program Regulator’s Perspective
14.S MAGRUDER Common Issues in Safety Licensing and Regulatory Frameworks for SMR Deployment
15.H ROBERTSON Readiness for Regulating Advanced Reactor Projects
16.N MASRIERA Licensing of CAREM prototype
17.S H YOO Licensing for SMART in Korea
18.A.FERAPONTOV Licensing of Floating Power Unit Academician Lomonosov
19.E McGREGOR Preparing for regulating Advanced Nuclear Technologies (ANTs)
20.A BRADFORD Design Certification of the NuScale Small Modular Reactor